Specialized Treatment For PCOD
- Are you suffering from polycystic ovarian disease ?
- Are your menstrual cycles irregular ?
- Do you have hirsutism ?
- Do you have multiple acne ?
- Do you suffer from abnormal weight gain due to hormonal imbalances ?
- Are you aware that the hormonal therapy given for PCOD brings withdrawal bleeding instead of the normal menstrual cycle ?
- Are you tired of taking different kinds of treatment without any long lasting relief or favourable results ?
Then, without wasting your time and health on therapies that do not give results Everytime, think of Our Specialised Homoeopathic Treatment
Do you know PCOD is a major reason for Infertility? So don’t wait before it’s too late.
Dr. Vijay Bhatt provides specialised homoeopathic treatment for treating PCOD
Gift yourself with a healthy and happy feminine hood